Uri Avnery on the Rock of Our Existence!

220px-UriAvnery-cropped.jpgWith this post, we introduce the writings of Uri Avnery, legendary Israeli journalist and founder of Gush Shalom, the cornerstone of Israel's peace movement. Avnery is an eloquent champion of Palestinian self-determination and the possibilities of Palestinian/Israeli co-existence.

In Avnery's 91 years, he has done it all, from fighting in the 1948 War of Independence, to serving in the Israeli Knesset, to being the first Israeli politician to reach out directly to Yasser Arafat. Click HERE to read Avnery's fascinating and inspiring biography on the website of Gush Shalom.

And now, click HERE to read Avnery's latest post from Gush Shalom, The Rock of Our Existence!